1) Draw a DNA Watson-Crick base pair between A and T.
Draw the nucleotides, not just the bases, include both 3' and 5' phosphate groups.
Label all the atoms. Indicate the hydrogen bond donors and acceptors.
2) Draw a DNA Watson-Crick base pair between C and G.
Draw the nucleotides, with both 3' and 5' phosphate groups.
Label all the atoms. Indicate the hydrogen bond donors and acceptors.
3) Draw a base pair between A and G with hydrogen bonds
between the N7 and N6 of A and the N2 and N3 of G.
4) For the following concentrations, give the driving force (deltaG) for the reaction
[ATP] = 5.0 mM, [ADP] = 1.0 mM, [Pi] = 0.5 mM, T = 37C.
5) Label the bases and the atoms (that are visible) in this figure. Indicate HB distances.