Enzyme Active Sites

These images were made by the students of CHEM 6521

[syllabus] [Kinases and Phosphatases] [Proteases] [Polymerases, Integrases, Transcriptases]

Influenza neuraminidase
This protein (pdb entry: 1mwe ) is shown with six, propeller-like beta sheets in red. Sialic acid, in yellow spacefill, is bound. Residues involved in binding are represented as blue sticks while those suspected in catalysis are represented in green sticks. A closer look at the binding site is shown with all residues as sticks. Hydrogen bonds are represented by straight lines. The catalytic mechanism is not known, but residues implicated by one model are shown in a separate image as red sticks. This image was made by Joy Holtvluwer Ting, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Human Lysozyme C bound with hydrolyzed (NAG)6
This image shows the 30 residue bacteriocidal protein with 5 non-bundled a-helices (purple; 1 on the left, 1 in back, 3 overlapping on the right) and 1 anti-parallel b-sheet (cyan) through the center forming the active site binding cleft. Hydrolyzes the b(1-4) glycosidic bond between NAM-NAG of murein in bacterial cell walls and NAG-NAG of chitin in fungi cell walls. Substrate shown as ball-and-stick. Invariant residues among type-C lysozymes that are involved in substrate binding shown as sticks with grey carbon (W64, N60, Q58). N44, shown with green carbons, hydrogen bonds with the substrate and is invariant in all type-C lysozymes except in insects where it is substituted with G. Black carbons indicate catalytic residues. D52, too far to catalyze the hydrolysis of the 4th saccharide's C1-O1 bond by Sn2 mechanism, stabilizes the transition-state oxonium carbocation half-chair conformation in an Sn1 acetal hydrolysis. E35 then hydroxylates the C1 of the oxonium ion to form the hemiacetal product. Na ion (orange) located far away from active site in upper left. Image by Thomas Paxton, School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 1998.

c-Ha-ras p21
The active site of the c-Ha-ras p21 protein (PDB code: 5P21) showing the bound Gppnp nucleotide (serving as a GTP analog). The ras p21 protein is a GTP-binding protein that plays a critical role in intracellular signaling leading to cell growth and proliferation. Point mutations in the protein structure often cause anomalous activity leading to cancer. The Gppnp (green stick representation) ring interacts with Lys117 (red, ball & stick) and Phe28 (blue, ball & stick) side chains while its phosphates interact with the P-Loop (cyan ribbon) and magnesium ion (yellow space filling). This image was made by Kevin Davis, School of Geochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

A view into the DNA binding domain of p53 (PDB entry: 1tsr) Only residues involved in DNA binding or zinc coordination are shown. The DNA is shown as orange backbone. The loops of the p53 protein that coordinate the zinc molecule and bind the DNA are also shown in backbone form. The L3 (red) and L2 (grey) loops of p53 coordinate Zinc molecule (red; spacefilling) using Histidine 179 (grey; stick) and Cysteine 176, 242, and 238 (yellow; stick) amino acid residues. Arginine 248 (cyan; stick) and Serine 241 (purple; stick) are located on the L3 loop of p53 and hydrogen bond to oxygen atoms on phosphate groups of the DNA backbone at Thymidine 11 (green; stick) and Guanidine 13 (white; stick), respectively. Displacement of the zinc atom by organic mercurial compounds will decrease the stability of the L3-L2 interaction by causing misalignment of Arginine 248 and Serine 241 and loss of their hydrogen bonding interactions. This leads to loss of transcription activity by p53. This image was made by Roy Wade, Jr., School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

The cyclooxygenase active site is located within a long hydrophobic channel at a region defined by residues arg 120, ser 530 (site of aspirin acetylation), tyr 385, and glu 524. The second image is that of an inhibitor, within the active site. It is unclear how this reacts, some think it blocks the channel -- some think it reacts. New evidence shows different results through an associated protein. This image was made by Barry Birch, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, December 1998.

Mammalian Scorpion Toxin II
(PDB entry: 1ptx) This protein is scorpion toxin II from Androctonus austalis. It is a 64 residue protein that binds to mammalian sodium channels, causing paralysis and death at high enough doses. Most of the residues indicated to be crucial to binding to sodium channels are located on a knob at the lower left of the image. Positively charged amino acids are shown in red. Arg 62 and His 64 protrude furthest from the core of the protein. It is reasonable to expect such residues to be involved in binding to sodium channels, which usually handle positively-charged Na+ ions. Mutational analysis has shown that Asp 8 (blue) and Lys 58 (green) are likely to be critical to binding. Arg 18 is not in the same region as the rest of the binding residues, but probably has a major role in binding also. The purple segment is residues 9 through 12, which together with residue 8, form a structurally conserved loop found in many scorpion toxins. This image was made by J High, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Polymerases, integrases, transcriptases [top]

HIV-1 integrase
A view of the HIV-1 integrase core domain as a dimer (PDB entry:
1bis). The catalytic site is represented in a conserved D,D-35E motif (shown in stick: green Asp 64, blue Asp 116, purple Glu 152). These residues are thought to coordinate a divalent metal ion to facilitate the polynucleotidyl transfer reaction. This image was made by Carolyn A Haller, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase
A view of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase active site with bound DNA template-primer showing the interactions between the DNA and HIV-1 RT. The catalytic residues are colored: D110-blue, Y115-green, Y183-magenta, M184-cyan, D185-orange, D186-redorange. The double-stranded DNA template primer close to the catalytic site is represented in stick, with cpk colors. Here is a view into the nonnucleotide inhibitor binding site. This binding site is near the active site consisting of the catalytic residues Asp 110, Asp 185, Asp 186, but distinct from it. When the Dipyridodiazepinone Nevirapine nonnucleoside inhibitor (seen in red and sticks) binds, it repositions the aspartyl residues inactivating the polymerase. The residues that interact with the inhibitor are shown in ball and stick representation. Images by Karen Ellis, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Bacillus stearothermophilus polymerase (Bstpol1)
A view of the active site of the Bacillus stearothermophilus polymerase (PDB entry: 1bpd). This is analogous to the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I in E.coli. The residues of the active site are shown as sticks (green and purple). The purple areas represent those residues forming the pocket surrounding the first base of the DNA template. This image was made by Brooke Bourdélat-Parks, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Kinases and Phosphatases [top]

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I
In this image CaMKI (PDB entry; 1a06) is shown in the autoinactive form. The pseudosubtrate sequence binds in the substrate recognition site and inhibits kinase activity. Once calmodulin is activated by Ca2+, calmodulin binds the adjacent sequence and relieves the inhibition. ATP binding lobe; blue ribbon, catalytic loop; spacefill, pseudosubstrate sequence; stick, Phe298; yellow stick, Lys300; purple stick, Glu102, Ile210, Pro216, Phe104: cyan spacefill. This image was made by Hosoon Choi, Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Cdk2 with bound ATP and Mg2+.
A view into the catalytic cleft of Cdk2 with bound ATP and Mg2+ (yellow) (PDB entry; 1hck). Residues that make key contacts with ATP are rendered as "ball & stick." The N and C terminal residues are shown as "ball & stick," as well as Thr 160, colored red, which is an important regulatory phosphorylation site. Other important structural features are labeled. A closer view. Images by Kim Allen, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Kinase 1
This protein (pdb entry: 1bak) is only the Pleckstrin Homology domain of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (BARK1) and was derived from 20 superimposed NMR structures. The catalytic site and necessary residues are not well understood. The BARK1 PH domain is related to the PLC delta PH domain, shown with ligand inositol triphosphate in space filling, PH domain is in ribbon representation, and interacting lysine residues are shown as sticks in green. In another image, only the I3P and interacting lysines are shown. Interactions of I3P and BARK1 as deduced from the PLC delta PH domain by x-ray diffraction. These image were made by Chris Banna, School of Biology, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
Active site of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PDB entry: 1pty) complexed with a phosphotyrosine molecule. The phosphotyrosine has been represented as spacefilling, while the residues required for catalysis (181, 215-222) are shown as sticks and colored by CPK. This image was made by Kris Woods, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Proteases [top]

This image is Thrombin (PDB entry: 1abj), a serine protease. The catalytic triad is shown in stick format. Its active site, consisting of Ser195 (cyan), His57 (blue), and Asp102 (red), is very narrow. The figure also shows the S1 specificity pocket including Asp189 (purple ball and stick) that directs substrate binding. Note the location and orientation of PPACK (in CPK stick) within the active site. The Arg of PPACK is directed into the specificity pocket. View of the catalytic triad, which consists of ser195 (yellow), his57 (blue) and Asp102 (red). Note the depth and narrowness of the binding pocket. The nine amino acid base insert - called the 60loop (cyan) restricts access of macromolecules to the triad, and therefore increases the specificity. Also shown is the anion binding site, known as the fibrinogen recognition site composed of Arg35,67,73,75,77 (blue green patches) where fibrinogen interacts and is cleaved into the insoluble fibrin in the coagulation cascade. These images were made by Tope Olubuyide, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Interleukin-1-b-Converting Enzyme
Overall view of the topology of Interleukin-1-b-Converting Enzyme (ICE; PDB entry 1ice), showing the unique a/b structure of the protein caused by association of two p20/p10 dimers to form a tetramer. Helical portions are colored green, and b-strands are colored red. Also shown is a view into the active site of Interleukin-1-b-Converting Enzyme showing both the catalytic dyad of Cys 285 and His 237, and the four residues that make up the Aspartic acid binding pocket (Arg. 341, Arg 179, Ser 347, and Gln 283). The color scheme is as follows: Cys 285 (red), His 273 (orange), Arg 341 (magenta), Arg 179 (green), Ser 347 (blue), and Gln 283 (yellow). These images was made by Karrie Adlington, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

The NS3 Protease complexed with NS4A cofactor
This complex is believed to play a central role in the replication and maturation of HCV. The overall folding is similar to chymotrypsin in serine protease family. There are two domains, roughly dividing the protease in halves. Each domain is composed of a b-barrel and two short a-helices. The NS4 is bound within the N-terminal Domain. (NS4A cofactor is green, Zn metal is purple, b-barrel is yellow and a-helix is magneta. The active site of NS3-protease is similar to chymotrypsin in the serine protease family. The proposed catalytic triad His-57, Asp-81, and Ser 139. The main determinant of the substrate binding is phenylalanine 154, with an additional minor role for alanine 157. This image was made by Juliana Gheura, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Factor X
Factor X is involved in blood clotting (PDB entry: 1whe). Active site residues are shown in spacefilling, with Ser 195 red; His 57 blue; and Asp 102 green. The backbone is yellow. The catalytic triad. These images were made by Amy Larson, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Cathepsin B
View into the active site of Cathepsin B (PDB entry: 1csb). The active site residues are represented as spacefilled models, colored in CPK colors. The inhibitor, CA030, is shown bound to the catalytic Cys 29 residue and is in ball and stick format with CPK colors. This image was made by Brian Rukamp, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Cathepsin D
The active site of cathepsin D (PDB entry: 1lya) is shown here bound to an inhibitor, pepstatin. Pepstatin lies in the active site cleft of cathepsin D, where it is hydrogen bonded to residues in the active site, including two aspartic acid residues which provide the catalytic activity. This image was made by Shelley Howerton, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Carboxypeptidase A
Carboxypeptidase A, a digestive enzyme, is shown complexed with the L-benzyl succinate inhibitor (PDB entry: 1cbx). Active site interactions. The zinc atom is shown in blue, the inhibitor in red, the alpha helices in green and the beta sheet in yellow. In a closer view of the active site, the important residues for catalysis are labeled and shown in green. Images by Karen Lambert, School of Textile and Fiber Engineering, Georgia Tech, 1998.

HIV protease
A view into the active site of HIV-1 protease complexed with the inhibitor A77003 (R,S) (PDB entry; 1hvi). The inhibitor is in between the water molecule and the active aspartic acid residues, preventing catalysis. The inhibitor is purple, active residues Asp 25 and Asp 25' are Orange, the oxygen atoms are red, the water molecule is cyan, and the rest of protein is green. Image by Dave Kim, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.

Acetylcholinesterase with bound acetylcholine
The catalytic triad of acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo californica (PDB entry: 2ace) with bound acetylcholine. The acetylcholine was inserted by modeling and is covalently attached to Ser200 in the first step of the serine esterase mechanism. The covalent bond is not shown in the image. The three residues, Ser200, Glu327, and His440 are labeled accordingly and colored by atom type; acetylcholine is labeled and colored the same way. This catalytic triad functions in an identical manner to the serine protease mechanism described in Voet and Voet "Biochemistry" p. 395, with only a structural difference in that glutamic acid is substituted for aspartic acid. This image was created by Bryan Herger, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 1998.